Hi everyone! I’m Chic0s, a French student with a passion for cybersecurity. Here, you’ll find various content related to infosec.
17/12/2024 - WEB - Breaking Bank [ENG]
05/11/2024 - Dojo #Halloween Special [ENG]
05/10/2024 - Dojo #36 - Shell escape [ENG]
05/09/2024 - Dojo 35 - SSTI - Chatroom [FR]
05/08/2024 - Dojo 34 - AI Image Generator [FR]
05/11/2023 - How to modify the UID of a Mifare 1k with a Proxmark3
(lambda hex_str: [print(chr(int(hex_str[i:i+2], 16))) for i in range(0, len(hex_str), 2)])(“45534e412053747564656e74”)